No More Burning & Tingling Pain
No More Wasted Days
No More Restless Nights
Get Rid of the Pain All Night
No More Side Effects from Medications
Avoid Surgery
Fast, Safe & Proven Relief
Get More Energy to Do What You Want
Walk Without Limping
Feel the Ground Beneath Your Feet Again

How Can We Help You?
What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy Pain?
Peripheral neuropathy refers to the many conditions that involve damage to the peripheral nervous system, the vast communication network that sends signals between the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and all other parts of the body.
Peripheral nerves send many types of sensory information to the central nervous system (CNS), such as a message that the feet are cold.
They also carry signals from the CNS to the rest of the body. Best known are the signals to the muscles that tell them to contract, which is how we move, but there are different types of signals that help control everything from our heart and blood vessels, digestion, urination, sexual function, to our bones and immune system. The peripheral nerves are like the cables that connect the different parts of a computer or connect the Internet. When they malfunction, complex functions can grind to a halt.
Nerve signaling in neuropathy is disrupted in three ways:
- loss of signals normally sent (like a broken wire)
- inappropriate signaling when there shouldn’t be any (like static on a telephone line)
- errors that distort the messages being sent (like a wavy television picture)
Symptoms can range from mild to disabling and are rarely life-threatening. The symptoms depend on the type of nerve fibers affected and the type and severity of damage. Symptoms may develop over days, weeks, or years. In some cases, the symptoms improve on their own and may not require advanced care. Unlike nerve cells in the central nervous system, peripheral nerve cells continue to grow throughout life.
of Diabetics Have Neuropathy Pain
Are you above a 7+ on the pain Scale?
20 Million+
Have Nerve Pain

More than 20 million people in the United States have been estimated to have some form of peripheral neuropathy, but this figure may be significantly higher—not all people with symptoms of neuropathy are tested for the disease and tests currently don’t look for all forms of neuropathy. Neuropathy is often misdiagnosed due to its complex array of symptoms.
For Fast Relief
Electric Cell Signalling (ECS)
One of our most effective treatment protocols for pain uses a technique called Electric Cell Signaling (ECS), based on the physics of resonance. Resonance is the electrical signaling between cells. Resonance is similar to when a piano is tuned. The tuner strikes the piano string to adjust the energy that vibrates along it to create sound. Adjusting the string creates the ideal pitch or tone for the piano.
Electric cell signaling is similar, and the goal is to optimize the energy levels (the resonance) between your cells. When these signals are optimized and correctly ‘tuned’, intercellular communication is normalized. Your cells are able to successfully transfer energy that’s used to heal injured tissues and relieve pain.

Your Own Body’s Healing
We Also Offer Natural Injection Therapies
A growing body of evidence has shown that using your own growth factors can be as effective (or more effective) than anti-inflammatory medications or cortisone, particularly in the early stages of arthritis and nerve pain. We offer several alternative approaches to chronic pain that have our patients raving about the life-changing results.

Everyone’s been very pleasant.
I have had neuropathy for over 20 years. I have only had 2 treatments so far. But I can say I do feel a change. I 5 star the whole place!
We Can Treat Pain Caused by:
Peripheral Neuropathy
Diabetic Neuropathy
Nerve Damage
Chronic Nerve Issues
Pain Caused By Other Degenerative Nerve Conditions
Motor Nerve Damage
Sensory Nerve Damage
Autonomic Nerve Damage
There is Hope
Our Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Treatment Succeeds Where Other Treatment Methods Fail
No one else has your pain—so you need a treatment plan that’s unique to you.
For people living with any of these painful symptoms, our Customized Pain Care Plans are the best solution to finally help address your nerve pain and regain energy, steadiness, and confidence that the treatment is working.
At the core of our plan is a series of treatments in our office use leading edge FDA Cleared technology, combined with injections, nutritional supplementation and potentially physical therapy. Your care plan is completely customized to your specific condition and needs. There are no cookie cutter treatments here!
Our modern therapy is a safe, gentle, and non-invasive. A simple in office procedure can improve circulation, aid in healing tissue, reduce swelling, and relieve your pain.
Our treatments are used by professional athletes and sports teams to accelerate recovery from injury.
Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Relief is Just a Phone Call Away.
Call Us Now
Our team is waiting for your call. What are you waiting for?

We will get to know you and your unique situation to decide how best to help you!
First Session of Many
These sessions are simple in-office visits that will get you on your way to reducing pain!
Pain Free Life!
Start taking your first steps without chronic neuropathy or nerve pain.
What our patients are saying about us.

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Success Stories
Listen to what patients are saying…
We are very proud of the success stories we are able to share with you. Don’t take our word for it; listen to the life-changing benefits patients are experiencing from our treatments!
“Yeah, when I am done my feet feel better for sure. It always feels a little bit better. I rated a 2 in pain after my treatment today. I would recommend trying this.”
“The pain that I was having were like needles, sharp needles. Terrible pain. It’s amazing how much pain is gone.”